CLAPP  2024


RestorE Trust

RestorE mission

RestorE THE U.S. HOUSE OF Reps

The U.S. House of Representatives is corrupted. This is the singular source of rot in this country which, when remedied, will right our sinking ship. This particular corruption began in 1929, with the passage of the 1929 Permanent Reapportionment Act. Walter aims to repeal and replace this act with something like what was proposed by George Washington to be the First Amendment in our bill of rights. George is rolling over in his grave, and Walter will not have it.

Starting at age 13 and into College, Walter worked ~100 hour weeks as a rice farm grunt and used his first season's earnings to build his first computer and start a DJ company. After College, he built a log home from scratch, including plumbing and wiring. This led him to encounter Beartooth Electric, the bankrupt electricity provider he relied upon. Concerned about Beartooth Electric, and our Nation's Electric Grids, Walter headed to D.C., and became an attorney who spent time studying electricity and representation in the House Energy and Commerce Committee, and the Senate Judiciary Committee. Our electric grid is our greatest technical vulnerability, our House is the clearest remedy.

After practicing law for a monster firm in D.C., Walter headed back west to litigate, where he has been quietly toiling away ever since.

Shortly before deciding to run for President, he was granted patent # US11437948B2 for his invention related to cyber and electric grid security. This is a hardware manufacturing venture requiring billions in upfront cost. And manufacturing in a failing country is not a savory choice.

So Walter set in motion the wheels to reinvent our House’s structure and infrastructure, with an idea first championed by our founders, and especially George Washington - "NO TAXATION WITHOUT REPRESENTATION".

Walter turned 35 in the fall of 2022 and decided he would rather not be sitting on the couch in 2024 while two old farts set our country on fire with their BS. So he took his shot in the dangerous arena of the United States' 2024 Presidential Race. He survived and is continuing.

Walter’s campaign was derailed early by the bureaucrats of Yellowstone National Park, who refused to allow him to exercise his 1st Amendment Right to speak in the traditional dog and pony show in our Nation’s First Park. His lawsuit against the federal government is ongoing. Feel free to contribute to that cause here. And while this campaign remains active for the purposes of restoring Americans’ right to speak, Walter has turned to the core of his campaign, and co-founded the No Cap Fund, a 501(c)(4) which aims to uncap our U.S. House of Representatives and restore Trust in Political institutions. George Washington thought the right to speak did not matter if it did not lead to good Representation. You can find out more and contribute to that cause at

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