Walter d. clapp, esq.

Walter is a tech-savy, Texas born, 14th generation American with a law degree, a philosophy degree, and a log cabin he built from scratch. More of Walter's professional history is available here.

Walter loves going into the Mountains with his dogs, horses, and friends. And the cold. And going uphill.


My fellow Americans,

I am honored to run as a candidate for the Republican nomination for President of the United States in the 2024 election.

As we all know, our country is facing major challenges and changes. I believe that one of the most important issues that needs to be addressed is the structural issues in our political system - namely in our House of Representatives.

That is why, as President, I will make it a top priority to push Congress to pass legislation or amendments that will drastically increase the number of members of the lower house of Congress, keep Reps in their districts, and out of the swamp. I am not here to drain the swamp, but whip it into shape.

The current structure of Congress, with a limited number of representatives (435), is no longer able to effectively represent the diverse population and truths of our country, or the growing executive agencies (FDA, FAA, FERC, NERC, SEC, CFTC, ETC). The double loss of Representation limits the voice of many Americans and makes it more difficult for their concerns to be heard in our government. By increasing the number of Representatives, and keeping them mostly in their home state, we can ensure that every American has a more fair and equal voice in our democracy.

A working Congress is required before an Article V Convention. Our first Article V Unlimited Convention of the States allow us to address other issues such as term limits for members of Congress, Truth and the Internet, Abortion, and campaign finance reform. A Convention will also help us cut red tape, and create jobs.

This is not only a matter of representation but also of efficiency. We know that the United States is one of the most populous, and prosperous, countries in the world, and the number of representatives should reflect that.

I understand that this is a bold proposal and that it will not be easy, but I believe that it is necessary for the good of our country. Together, we can make sure that more American voices are heard and that our government is responsive to the needs of all citizens. We can do better.

I ask for your vote and your support in this campaign by donating or volunteering. Thank you for your attention to detail.”


Walter D. Clapp, Esq.